Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Nayanaspandanam (Nayana- Eyes & Spandanam – Reacting)

S- Sensuality ( using your 5 sensory organs)
M-Movement ( giving movement to the pictures)
A-Association (linking pictures)
S-Sexuality ( sexual, attractive, beautiful images)
H-Humor (make funny/absurd images)
I-Imagination (get clear images)
N-Number (to recall numbers randomly)
S-Symbolism (make meaningful images)
C- Color (apply colours to pictures)
O- Order/sequence (will help you to recall from first to last or from last to first word)
P-Positive Image (make positive and pleasant images)
E- Exaggeration (exaggeration means making pictures & images big)

Mental Catalogue
Rhyme Method
Shape Method
Value Method
1.     Sun
1.         Stick
21. 1 King
2.     Shoe
2.         Duck
22. 2 couples
3.     Tree
3.         Heart
23. 3 Monkeys of Gandhi
4.     Door
4.         Chair
24.4 Wheels of a car
5.     Wife/Hive
5.         Hook
25. 5 Fingers
6.     Vicks
6.         Hockey stick
26.6 Sixer in cricket
7.     Heaven
7.         Street Lamp
27. 7 Rainbow colours
8.     Gate
8.         Spectacles
28. 8 Legs of octopus
9.     Wine
9.         Lollypop
29.9 Planets
10.   Hen
10.    Bat and Ball
30.10 Heads of Ravana

Mind Power Learning Systems  “Super Brain Yoga”
                                  Alphabet Method
41. Kite
32. Bat
42. Ladder
33. Car
34. Dog
44. Newspaper
36. Fire
46. Post box
37. Gun
47. Queen
38. Heater
48. Railway station
39. Ink
49. Shoes
40. Jackfruit
50. Telephone

Major System/Pegging Method:
1-t or d
8-f or v
9-p or s
10-z or s

Brain Power Learning Systems “ Mind power learning system"

Brain is nothing but a mass of tissue divided into two parts
The left part of the brain is called left brain also called logical brain.

Function of left brain:
  1. Logical reasoning and analysis.
  2. Thing that occur in sequences.
  3. Numbers and mathematical ability.
  4. Language and verbal skills.
  5. Decision making.

The right part of the brain is called left brain also called logical brain.

Function of right brain:
  1. Creativity
  2. Emotions
  3. Imagination and daydreaming
  4. Intuition
  5. Music appreciation and rhythmic ability 

             Mind is called the functional part of the brain.
  1. Unconscious mind; The mind with we are born-innate mind.
  2. Conscious mind; It is an Operative Mind with which we think, analyze, imagine, create, etc-Showroom Mind.
  3. Subconscious Mind; Storehouse-all our experience are stacked here.
  4. Super conscious Mind; Evolved Mind-The contents of mind are pure, noble, spiritual, etc.

Explode all Your Mental Blocks

  1. One of the best ways to explode the mental block is to activate the subconscious mind with affirmative systements.
  2. The following statement may be repeated as many times as possible depending upon the availability of time at your disposal.
  3. Be Happy, Be Jolly, Be Cheerful.
  4.  Make me a child again just for today.
  5. Have faith that I am brave, an intelligent, born to do great things in life.
  6. Begin the work will be completed.
  7. I am alive, I am alert, and I am exited.
  8. When I Win I Win, When I Lose I Learn.
  9. choose to be happy; I choose to be Healthy, I choose to be Wealthy.
  10. The best way is yet to be.
  11. if i belive nothing is immpossible for me.
  12. Day-by-Day in every way I'm getting better and better.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Techniques To Boost Your Brain Power

  1.  Practice Pranayama and meditation 
  2.  Develop Positive Mental Attitude. 
  3.  Be with happy frame of mind most of the time. 
  4.  Feed your brain with negative ion-spent most of your time in  parks and open space  
  5.  Eat a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. 
  6.  Alcohol is an enemy of your brain.
  7.  Drink more than your usual amount of pure water.   
  8.  Learn to alternate left and right brain dominance through    nostril breathing. 
  9.  Silence saves your energy and increases brainpower.
  10.  Brain diets are Soybean, Dhal, Ladyfinger, Cow’s milk, Rose  water, Apples, Ginger, Fish and chicken.
  11.  Vitamin E is a brainpower tonic – Soybean wheat germ, whole  Grain, Eggs, Dark leafy vegetables, Date fruits.
  12.  Exercise is still a vital key to better brainpower – all  Yogasana, preferably Shirshasana.
  13.  Hold your Breath under water everyday.
  14.  Brain gets stimulated in deep concentration.
  15.  Singing, dancing, laughing and story telling are some other  effective methods to Boost Your Brain power.

3.Mind Power Learning Systems “Super Brain Yoga”

  1. Repetition learning takes place very effectively when it is repeated over  many times.
  2. The law of confidence  - repeat the statement to your self, Day by Day in every way I remember better and better.

Principle of effective Learning

  1. Concentration sustained attention – effective learning is by bringing our mind back every time it wanders over things.
  2. Resolution learning takes place only when a person makes up his mind very firmly to learn.
  3. Habit – concentration is a habit and habits are perfected by practice.
  4. Interest – to create interest affirmation techniques will help.
  5. Relaxation – concentration occurs most naturally  when body and mind are relaxed. 

Develop Extra Ordinary Memory

  1. Memory is not a talent,it is skill,which can be developed though a variety of techniques with constant parctice.
  2.   The father of memory is interest and the mother is repetition.
  3. There is nothing like good memory or poor memory it is only trained memory or untrained memory.
  4. Always keep a small note book and note down all the points to be memorized and make attempts to memorize at frequent intervals. 
  5. Learn information while in rhythmic breathing cycle.